MOMSnext Breakout: Parenting Teens

MOMSnext Breakout: Parenting Teens

Written By: Ciara Fielder

Momsnext mamas had the privilege of hearing from crossroads very own Heather Lee at our last breakout session.  She started off by saying “Hard is hard” so her parenting struggles and our parenting struggles are both hard even though they are all different and parenting is an emotional rollercoaster.  She had a lot of personal stories that helped us understand this next stage of parenting and to embrace this stage!
Because parenting is hard Heather gave us the verse James 1:19 
“My dear brothers and sisters take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen , slow to speak and slow to become angry.” Pre teens and teenagers brains change constantly. She encouraged us to remember what we were feeling at that age and hoped it would help us be quick to listen , slow to speak and slow to become angry.  They will push boundaries.  

Heather gave us a few tools to have in our tool belt:
#1 PAUSE- get rest , your own space , and renew
#2 PEOPLE - find people you can trust , find YOUR people
#3 PRAYER - pray FOR your kids , pray WITH your kids 
The main take away I got from this breakout is this is a discovery age for them.  This stage is exciting for them and scary for us. PRAY PRAY PRAY !!! 


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