3 AM Friends- LAST Meeting Recap

3 AM Friends Meeting Recap

written by Christianna Gurbonoff

Hi Mommas!

Can you believe we just finished our final MOPS meeting for the year?!  (insert crying emoji here) But what a way to end the year together! I think we can all agree that this year wouldn’t have been even half as amazing without our entire leadership team. From the ladies responsible for setting up and cleaning everything after every meeting, to our amazing kids staff, to our lovely mentor moms, and our kick butt table leaders, and the leader of the pack, Melanie! You ladies rocked it this year and we are so grateful for all your time, energy, and love you put into every meeting.


Your Leadership Team 2017/18

I don’t think we could’ve chosen a better topic to end the year with than “3am friends.” I know that I personally have always been the person to only have one close friend my entire life. And just in January of this year, we kinda grew apart and stopped talking due to being at different stages in our life. It got me thinking, who is my 3am friend? I think most of us would say we’d just elbow our husband at 3am and vent our hearts out to him. I know I would. But is that really enough? Watching that video made me really look around at the friendships I’ve made here in MOPS. I am forever grateful to you ladies for being vulnerable and opening your hearts to all of us. I truly feel like I’m part of a crazy, wild sisterhood whose costumes always include spit-up and snot on them and whose super power is cooking a meal, while holding a baby, helping your toddler tie his shoes, and singing “Jesus loves me” with all the kids together all at the same time! We’re all a little tired. We’re all a little crazy. We all pee with an audience. And we’re always holding little hands. We are mommas. The greatest super heroes in the world. Remember that this weekend as our little ones color us Mother’s Day pictures and our hubby’s run out to grab a last minute card. I’m so happy to share the bond of motherhood with you ladies. And if any of you need a 3am friend, I’m right here. Call me =)

plum table 

pink table 

Our precious kids sing for us!

Our fun raffle fundraiser!

Happy Mother’s Day mommas!
Can’t wait to see you all over summer and grow with each other some more next year!
~ Christianna

Amena Brown "Girlfriends Poem"


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