MOPS Moms are... Starry Eyed!

We had our first  Kick-off Meeting!

This year at MOPS our theme isWe Are the Starry Eyed."
Starry Eyed means looking for the light of God even when darkness, hard times, and any and all big and small challenges seems to be surrounding us. It is an opportunity to witness the Creator of the whole universe at work in our daily lives and to hope in Him.  Learning that HIS personal presence guides things seen and unseen, comfortable and uncomfortable, in both joy and sorrow. Being Starry Eyed compels us to show kindness to a hurting world and offer an alternative to the world’s lies.   Our topics focus on re-connecting  with our child-like sense of Wonder, exploring where our Hope comes from and never letting go, and participating in acts of Kindness that maybe move us out of our comfort zone.

Imagine, two glorious hours of talking with adults only, and moms in the same stage of life as you nonetheless! It’s a much needed break every month from the daily demands of being a mom and running a household.
If you’ve ever stopped to think about it, most days in this season of our lives are filled with doing, going, and being everything for someone else.
And while our children are (most of the time) sweet and precious little gifts from God, they are also human beings with needs, wants, feelings and desires, and more often than not they’re incapable of fulfilling any of these things on their own.
Being a mom is great.
It’s rewarding, life-giving and the highest honor.
But let’s face it, it’s also hard, demanding, exhausting, and sometimes makes us feel like we’ve lost our own identities.

Your 2016-17 Leadership Team

MOPS @  Crossroads means Friendship, Encouragement, Fellowship and Community!

We had a great start with our first meeting, having fun, making friends , yummy food and coffee and adult talking time!


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